Ongoing Projects
For Detailed Description of each ongoing project, please click the individual button below.
To be a part of any of our existing projects – please Zelle or PayPal your tax deductible ( EIN: 87-2260435 ) contribution using following detail:
Zelle Name : Enjoining Good USA
Zelle Email:
Please mention the Project name in the note section for a project specific contribution. Also please specify if the funds should be used for Zakat Eligible Causes.
To get Corporate Matching you can also donate through Benevity, CyberGrants, BrightFunds, YourCause or Network For Good portals:
Search by name "Enjoining Good USA" or by EIN: 87-2260435
In case your Employer uses any other portal other than the list mentioned above for corporate matching, please contact with us for any document/information that you may need to avail the option.
To Paypal your donation, please use the following link: